Thomas S. Schulenberg

Voices of Andean Birds, Vol. 2: Birds of the Cloud Forest of Southern Peru Lyrics

Disc 1

  1. Hooded Tinamou
  2. Solitary Eagle
  3. White-Rumped Hawk
  4. Andean Guan
  5. Band-Tailed Pigeon
  6. Maroon-Chested Ground-Dove
  7. Large-Tailed Dove
  8. Miltary Macaw
  9. Mitred Parakeet
  10. Green-Cheeked Parakeet
  11. Red-Billed Parrot
  12. Yungas Pygmy-Owl
  13. Rufous-Banded Owl
  14. Buff-Fronted Owl
  15. Andean Potoo
  16. Rufous-Bellied Nighthawk
  17. Lyre-Tailed Nightjar
  18. Green Violetear
  19. Speckled Hummingbird
  20. Violet-Fronted Brilliant
  21. Fawn-Breasted Brilliant
  22. Bronzy Inca
  23. Booted Raquettail
  24. Wedge-Billed Hummingbird
  25. Blue-Banded Toucanet
  26. Ocellated Piculet
  27. Smoky-Brown Woodpecker
  28. Crimson-Bellied Woodpecker
  29. Tyrannine Woodcreeper
  30. Strong-Billed Woodcreeper
  31. Olive-Backed Woodcreeper
  32. Spot-Crowned Woodcreeper
  33. Azara's Spinetail
  34. Rufous Spinetail
  35. Streaked Tuftedcheek
  36. Buff-Browed Foliage-Gleaner
  37. Lineated Foliage-Gleaner
  38. Striped Treehunter
  39. Variable Antshrike
  40. Rufous-Capped Antshrike
  41. Slaty Antwren
  42. Creamy-Bellied Antwren
  43. Long-Tailed Antbird
  44. Rufous-Breasted Antthrush
  45. White-Throated Antpitta
  46. Rusty-Breasted Antpitta
  47. Trilling Tapaculo
  48. Ashy-Headed Tyrannulet
  49. Plumbeous-Crowned Tyrannulet
  50. Sclater's Tyrannulet
  51. Bolivian Tyrannulet
  52. White-Tailed Tyrannulet
  53. Buff-Banded Tyrannulet
  54. Streak-Necked Flycatcher
  55. Inca Flycatcher
  56. Variegated Bristle-Tyrant
  57. Mottle-Cheeked Tyrannulet
  58. Bronze-Olive Pygmy-Tyrant
  59. Hazel-Fronted Pygmy-Tyrant
  60. Black-Throated Tody-Tyrant
  61. Ochre-Faced Tody-Flycatcher
  62. Fulvous-Breasted Flatbil
  63. Yellow-Throated Spadebill
  64. White-Throated Spadebill
  65. Tawny-Breasted Flycatcher
  66. Flavescent Flycatcher
  67. Roraiman Flycatcher
  68. Olive Flycatcher
  69. Greater Pewee
  70. Chestnut-Busted Chat-Tyrant
  71. Barred Becard
  72. Chestnut-Crowned Cotinga
  73. Scarlet-Breasted Fruiteater
  74. Masked Fruiteater
  75. Fulvous Wren
  76. Inca Wren
  77. Mountain Wren
  78. Andean Solitaire
  79. White-Cheeked Solitaire
  80. Slaty-Backed Nightingale-Thrush
  81. Glossy-Black Thrush
  82. Chestnut-Capped Brush-Finch
  83. Rufous-Naped Brush-Finch
  84. Tricolored Brush-Finch
  85. Ash-Throated Bush-Tanager
  86. Common Bush-Tanager
  87. Oleagimous Hemispingus
  88. Black-Eared Hemispingus
  89. Blue-Capped Tanager
  90. Blue-Winged Mountain-Tanager
  91. Yellow-Throated Tanager
  92. Golden-Rumped Euphonia
  93. White-Sided Flower-Piercer
  94. Masked Flower-Piercer
  95. Brown-Capped Redstart
  96. Capped Conebill
  97. Yellow-Billed Cacique
  98. Olivaceous Siskin
  99. Green Jay

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