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Already In lyrics

It's you to me, it's your gentle face, overdue but worth the wait
And out of my reach but I'm reaching out for you
And me to the night, I say goodbye, this time is up, I fight the time
A need an award, I can't afford it, a finished song, one more chord

Already in my mind
And I'm in over my head inside
And it's already in my mind
Inside, inside

Now everyone back, my heart's at war with all these plans I had before
I'm losing my grip but I'll lose it all for you
So I go driving all around, I'm denying all these sounds that hit my ear
Drum the beat of a heart I can't defeat

So it's already in my mind
And I'm in over my head inside
And it's already in my mind
Inside, inside

Oh, let me in
Let me in

And it's already in my mind
And I'm in over my head inside, inside
And it's already in my mind
Well inside, inside, inside, inside
Inside, inside

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