Jr. Roy Wood Lyrics Follow
Roy Wood Jr. (born December 11, 1978) is an American comedian and actor from Birmingham, Alabama. In 2015, Wood started as a correspondent at The Daily Show on Comedy Central.
Source: Wikipedia
Popular Songs
- Moving to Nigeria
- Condom Refund
- Sponsor- Save-A-Thug Foundation 2
- Knick Knack
- Stolen Ice Cream
- Muffler Shop
- Cucumber Melon
- Sponsor- Shonuff Wireless
- Live Stand-Up- Girl Scout Cookies
- Stolen Jewlery
- Pets in Apartment
- Hospital Bill
- Sponsor- Uranus Automotive
- Live Stand Up- Suicide & Pregnancy Scares
- Tara's Dad
- Roll Back Odometor
- Insurance Fraud
- Sponsor- Uranus Automotive 2
- Live Stand Up- Traffic Stops & Gas Stations
- Urine in Pool
- Roy's Old Cell Phone F/Ebony Arrington
- Julio del Fulio F/Young Dil
- Stolen Hummer