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Let The Be Light lyrics

Let there be joy
Let there be love
And understanding
Let there be peace
Throughout the land

Let's work together
In harmony
Let's build a better world
No suffering

And in times of darkness
Just reach out
'Cause there is a promise
It won't be denied

Let there be light
Let there be joy
Let there be love
And understanding

Let there be light
Let there be joy
Let there be love
And understanding

This is truly paradise
Being here in this celestial garden
With all the ones you love
Where nothing dies or ever grows old
And to be bathed in light
That cast no shadow

Yes, this is the kingdom within
Still you know sometimes
I miss seeing and feeling
The spirits dancing in the flesh

Can't you see them all around us?
They're all around us
Spirits dancing all around us

Dancing in the flesh, the spirits
Dancing in the flesh, the spirits

Dancing in the flesh, the spirits
Dancing in the flesh, the spirits
All over, all over, all over

Let there be joy
Let there be love

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Let The Be Light Video

https://youtube.com/devicesupport: (video from YouTube)

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