Nanci Griffith Follow

One Of These Days lyrics

We walk along the Hudson when it snows here in Manhattan
We've lived our lives so out of place
You touch my cheek and I do wonder how this happened
That two young lovers could pack their dreams
And move from the Texas Plains

Oh, I'm gonna take us back where we belong
Where you can see it in the stars that the weather's comin' on
One of these days

Now, our Daddy's grew cotton spittin' dust of a mornin'
We met on a school bus rollin' through the Autumn fields our Daddy's raised
Beneath a hot August sky our Mothers waved goodbye
My Daddy tipped his hat with a tear in his eye
When we left for the city where the sun rarely shines
It was a hundred and two in the shade

Oh, I'm gonna take us back where we belong
Where you can see it in the stars that the weather's comin' on
One of these days

Hey, do you wanna take a cab uptown?
Watch the skaters go 'round and around
We could talk about leavin' this town
Some other day

And I suppose we look like natives here
This middle aged couple with silver hair
And on cold winter nights this love we share
Is still a hundred and two in the shade

Oh, I'm gonna take us back where we belong
Where you can see it in the stars that the weather's comin' on
One of these days

Yes, I'm gonna take us back where we belong
Where you can see it in the stars that the weather's comin' on
One of these days

One of these days
One of these days
One of these days

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