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The White Sea Mist lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 3 on Victor Recordings 1907-16 Disc 2
- 2 Down In The Forest
- 4 D'une Prison
Popular Nellie Melba Songs
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- Le Roi D'ys: Aubade: Puisqu' On Ne Peut Flechir... Vainement, Ma Bien Aimee
- Ave Maria 'Medtation On J.S. Bach's Prld in C' - Nellie Melba/Jan Kubelik
- Don Cesar De Bazan: Sevillana: A Seville, Belles Senoras
- Les Anges Pleurent
- Lucia De Lammermoor: Mad Scene: Ardon Gl'incensi - Nellie Melba/John Lemmone
- Songs My Mother Taught Me
- Il Piensieroso: Sweet Bird - Nellie Melba/John Lemmone
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The White Sea Mist Video
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