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Not Over You lyrics

I gave you all I had to give; I gave you love
I thought that it would be, and now it ain't so.
And as the dawn creeps through the windows,
Through the humming in the walls,
I know it's time I should go.

But my heart's set to auto
It's a fearless machine
it only does what I'm telling it to
Yeah my heart's set to auto
And there's no going back
You press erase, that's what it will do

And when the lights go on, will hide what we feel
And make a violent fortune however we deal?
But in the end I know it's not true
I'm not over, not over you
I'm not over, not over you

I hear you choking back the words
And that's the thing: it's not the ending
It's the things we don't say
We trace our fingers 'round the ashes
Of the bones of us and, here our love once lay

But your heart's set to auto
And there'll be no undoing
What is done is what had to be done
Yeah, your heart's set to auto
It's a beautiful thing
Let it run, let it run, let it run

When the lights go on, we'll hide what we feel
And make a violent fortune however we deal
But in the end I know it's not true
I'm not over, not over you
I'm not over, not over you

When the lights go on, we'll hide what we feel
And make a violent fortune however we deal
But in the end I know it's not true
I'm not over, not over you
I'm not over, not over you

Not Over You Video

Nerina Pallot - Studio Sessions Ep.11, #5 - The Hold Tight / Over You: Nerina Pallot - Halloween Session Studio Sessions - Episode 11 - October, 31st 2012 - The Hold Tight (new song) - Over You (new song) (video from YouTube)

Thanks to Carroll for submitting the lyrics.
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