Dukes of Windsor Follow
Get It lyrics
Take it
No better time than now
You got it
Want it
And here it comes
You better grab it
Don't want it when I got it
But when I want it
There's no stopping till I've got it
You're gonna get it when I want it
Till I've got it
I'm gonna get it when I want it
Just one passionless kiss from you
I'd fall to make it two
Please take care
I might just bite like an animal
Want it
So here it comes
You better grab it
Got it
And now it's yours
You've gotta stop it
Call me when you want it
And when you call me
I'll be here waiting
You just hit me when you want it
Don't ever stop it when you want it
Just one passionless kiss from you
I'd fall to make it two
Please take care
I might just bite like an animal
Bite like an animal
Later that evening you whispered to me
Won't you taste adultery
Cupid wait for me
Just one passionless kiss from you
I'd fall to make it two
Just one passionless kiss from you
I'd fall to make it two
Just one passionless kiss from you
I'd fall to make it two
Please take care
Take it
No better time than now
You got it
Part of these releases
- Track 7 on Minus
- 6 Crystal's Getting High
- 8 In the Wild
- Track 1 on Get It
- 2 Kind of Girl
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Get It Video
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