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Toxic Avenger - The Dickies lyrics

She says it's the season but I know she knows
That there's spaces between us where no river flows
I wish I could erase her like a change of my cloths

And in an instant this all could end
So let's drink to good fortune
Here's to my friends
'Cause friendships worth much more
Than the money we spend
And money's worth nothing
Let's not pretend

Meet me on main street
Ducking from the police
Strange the pain is so sweet
It's complete
It's complete
It's complete

I put on my red coat and walk out the door
I'm not the same person that I was before
And yes I feel bitter, yes I feel sore
But she was just a young kid who drifted ashore

Meet me on main street
Ducking from the police
Strange the pain is so sweet

It's complete
It's complete
It's complete

Meet me on main street
Ducking from the police
Strange the pain is so sweet

It's complete
It's complete
It's complete

She says it's the season but I know she knows
That there's spaces between us where no river flows

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